In the meantime, I’m getting around to some of those things I’ve been putting off for years, like airbrushing fabric. This is fun! I’m going to do more of it.
Splotches are not fun, but learning to avoid things like that is all part of the process, right?
Good news: Temperatures in Central Texas will finally be below 100 this week—maybe even in the upper 80s!
Bad news: The winds were furious today; combined with sparking wildfires that quickly spread across drought-ravaged areas. I’m thinking good thoughts for my friends, family, and neighbors throughout the area.
We are having similar weather in Southern Missouri. Your results look somewhat like sunprints. I bought some spray paints for fabrics and you have inspired me to try them out. Thanks for the post.
These are wonderful! Not what I expected when you posted about airbrushing. Great job!
Janice PD..the distoriated quilter
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